And another in (the caption for the photo next to it says it was a 747 in 1969)![[IMG]](
a photo of what looks like the same system taken in 2005. A doctored
version of this commonly shows up in Chemtrail groups:![[IMG]](
Here's the same plane, showing all the test equipment and computers:![[IMG]](
And some more from 2003: long room.html![[IMG]](
And another of the 777. This one is also heavily used by the chemtrail web sites.
This A380 upper deck photo (from 2005) is commonly used by chemtrail promoters as "proof" of chemtrails:![[IMG]](
"Upper deck view showing ballast tanks on the A380 [F-WWOW]*. 15th November 2005"
*(Note: original source incorrectly stated G-WWOW)Here's a video of this A380 test setup at a public air show in China:
large white cylinder in the foreground is a tow bar. The loop on the
left end hooks to a tow truck, and the hooks at the right (the towhead)
attach to the front landing gear. There are four handles on it for
manual operation.
This one is the A380 ballast barrels from an article in the Seattle PI.![[IMG]](
A nice HD image of the A380 upper deck:![[IMG]](
More from the A380:![[IMG]](
Another A380-861![[IMG]](
This is a nice one as it shows the ballast tanks behind the seats:![[IMG]](
The following are from a 747-8F, from
Aviation Week
ballast barrels in the Section 41 nose section for center of gravity
testing. We counted 33 in all for the whole aircraft, each of which
holding around 1,000-lbs."
"Between the ballast barrels around 16 racks of test equipment and engineer’s test stations occupy the bulk of the main deck."![[IMG]](
reel mechanism for deploying and stowing the trailing static cone sits
on the main deck just forward of the aft pressure bulkhead."Here's a video of the 787 setup:[video=youtube;IxMSoxzYhG8]
a close up of the barrels one the 787 taken during a tour. Note there's
a placard on the right explaining the water ballast system.![[IMG]](
Another of the 787, taken from a different airshow:![[IMG]](
Here's the 787 showing all the test equipment:![[IMG]](
Another 787 image, from Wired:
"Water ballast tanks used to control center of gravity during test flights.These
tanks are filled with water and engineers can transfer water between
the tanks during flight to shift the weight of simulated cargo or
passengers. The center of gravity, or CG as pilots call it, is important
to the flight characteristics of any airplane. During flight test,
Boeing must ensure the plane is safe and efficient at full forward and
full aft CG as well as any combination between the two."This
one is a bit unusual, it's a test BAe-146-300 from 1989. The ballast
here is lead blocks! But there's also a single blue barrel at the back
of the plane:![[IMG]](
Here's one from a 777-300ER, also gets some play in "chemtrail" groups. Photo from 2002, Seattle PI![[IMG]](
Craig Boyden works on water ballast tanks for the 777-300ER that will used for flight testing.
Psicopatas estan sueltos y resueltos a desaparecer la humanidad ,ellos carecen de felicidad y su enfermedad es cronica.Se han encargado de decir y hacer creer que ellos son dueños del planeta en realidad no son dueños de nada.La humanidad en Paz y Amor conquistara el universo. Pues somos dueños de un futuro luego que estos psicopatas sean encarcelados y su propiedades entregadas a la humanidad para reconstruir el planeta.Estos psicopatas son los verdaderos terroristas del planeta.
ResponderEliminarEl poder de la verdad es 100 veces mas poderosa que la mentira.Asi como la Paz sobre esta guerra infame,Es guerra contra la humanidad,contra la paz,contra los recursos por algunos centavos.El cancer peor del munto es la mentira y el incubrimiento de estos enfermos de la mente.El ser humano individual es Soberano para hacer el bien y no el mal.
Ya es hora de quitarles las mascaras y hacer leyes de pena de muerte para estas ratas ,parasitos y bacterias humanas. Por el momento "Tiralos al Medio para saber quienes son nuestro enemigos.Lamento decir que los pilotos que vuelan estos aviones son tan criminales como los que los envian.
disculpa mi ignorancia, que son todas estas fotos?? busque en google como acercarme a jesus y empezar a leer la biblia y en un par de link que me llevaron a otros lleque a este blog
ResponderEliminarEl de arriba no se entera. Un cero en comprensión escrita! Y ese es el que va a salvar a la humanidad? Pues ya hemos desaparecido...
ResponderEliminarEn comprensión escrita?...en todo caso querrás decir en expresión escrita, en caso de que no lo comprendas el cero es para tí (Anónimo del tercer comentario) en comprensión. Yo no he tenido ningún problema en comprenderlo y no dice nada de que va a salvar el planeta.